We help creatives easily make their vision their reality by caring more than anyone else


  • Studio A

    Experience the best sound quality & fastest recording speed with our Lead Engineer, Jesse Samples. This is the best option for top talent & beginners.

    Enjoy listening to your customized special-effects live while recording! If you’d like, your friends can hear it, too!

    (Choose any color combo for the lights in the room to set your vibe)

  • Studio B

    While Studio B is second to Studio A, it’s based on the original equipment that started our “Samples Studios” signature experience. It’s enjoyed as an extra option with one of our talented engineers while Studio A is already booked.

    Enjoy listening to your customized special-effects live while recording! If you’d like, your friends can hear it, too!

    (Choose any color combo for the lights in the room to set your vibe)

  • Photography Studio

    The perfect place to capture a portrait, advertise a product, or showcase your talent in a very comfortable environment. Each of our professional lights can produce 16.7+ million different colors, which we combine to make your visuals look the way you want them to.